A project consists out of Modules. There are two main categories: Server Modules and Client Modules. This is reflected in the project explorer. To open a module, double click it.
You can add a new new module by right-clicking the Server Modules or Client Modules folder. A module type and name must be chosen. There are 5 different modules to choose from (for now!).
- Gui Screen: This module can be used to design a server or client gui. Data targets can also be set, allowing for basic interactions between Gui’s or from gui’s to other module types.
- Sound Page: A sound page can contain sounds, which can be played manually, or by targetting them from within other modules. You can add several sound pages to a project to keep them organized. (On the roadmap: eventually, sound pages will also be audio channels, allowing some manipulations on a channel level.)
- Audio Patcher: Patchers are primarily intended for DSP functionality. Although, if you prefer visual programming, they can also be used instead of scripts. Send and Receive Objects are part of the OSC routing system, which makes it easy to handle data generated by sensors or by a gui screen in a Patcher, before sending it onwards.
- Scripts: Scripts are the most flexible when it comes to custom interaction.
- Sensor Configuration: Sensor Configurations are only available as a client module. They are used to enable and disable sensors, and routing their data to other modules (on clients or servers).
Please refer to the documentation for each module type to learn more about them.